Maximum Time Principles
Watch More Maximum Time Principles
Demetrios Salpoglou dives right in with an overview of the course and why these principles are important in your life.
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Exploring the Concept of “Mastery” at 10,000 Hours
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The Positives of Finding More TIme to Work More Often
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Learn How Real Estate is the Best Industry and How Great Income Requires Great Skill
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How to Put Yourself In a Great State of Mind and Removing the Things that Don’t Propel Your Growth or Serve Your Highest Interests.
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Learn How Writing Things Down Physically Makes You Committed and Your Goals Actionable
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Watch How Demetrios Responds to Useless Txts and Why You Should Stay Focused on Your Plans and Goals
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Learn Why Getting to Work Early Gives You a Better Mindset for the Entire Day
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Getting Rid of Unproductive and Bad Habits and Looking Back and Laughing at Them When They’re Gone
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Listen and Learn How Working More Can Help You Spend Less and Reach Your Goals More Quickly
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Our brands lead in technology and innovation. Our agents leverage these advancements to better serve our clients and excel in Boston real estate.
-Demetrios Salpoglou
Team Building and Leadership Ethics in Boston Real Estate

Vivian Pressman
My time at Boardwalk Properties has been incredibly helpful to my career. Demetrios' guidance and leadership has inspired me to do better and work harder.

Henry Barford
My goals were smaller before I joined the team at Douglas Paul Real Estate. Our standards are high and our ethics are beyond what most expect from other agencies.

Nathan Leibzon
My work freedom allows me to do the job I've always wanted to do. "Doing Our Best" is a mantra we all believe in and work towards everyday at Jacob Realty.